Banish the Yellow: 7 Key Strategies to Discover Why Is My Spider Plant Turning Yellow and Rejuvenate Its Lush Green Beauty!

Mentari Aisyah

Why Is My Spider Plant Turning Yellow – Even though they are easy to take care of, Spider Plants still experience yellowing leaves often.

If you’re a beginner plant parent or simply want an easy plant that will add some life to your space, spider plants are a great option. However, like all plants, they come with their own set of problems.

Why Is My Spider Plant Turning Yellow

If your Spider Plant’s leaves are turning yellow, it likely means something is off with their care or environment. Keep reading to discover the main reasons for this problem as well as some tips on how to fix and prevent it from happening again in the future.

How To Fix Yellowing Spider Plant

Underwatering Can Cause Yellow Spider Plant Leaves

If you’re spider plant has yellow leaves, it may be due to a lack of water. You can check the moisture in the soil by taking your plant out of its pot and feeling the soil. If it’s powdery, then underwatering is most likely causing the issue.

Drowning your Spider Plant in water is a death wish. Although you may be anxious to save your plant, go easy on the water for now. Reintroduce watering over the course of a week by giving it a little each day. Your spider plant will make a full recovery this way.

Overwatering Can Also Cause Yellow Leaves

Although this is not as common with Spider Plants, it’s worth mentioning. In general, they can handle being overwatered better than other types of houseplants. That said, if you water them too often and the potting mix never gets a chance to dry out completely, your plant will suffer eventually.

If you overwater your plant, the roots will rot and it won’t be able to absorb any nutrients. This results in yellow leaves. If you’re not sure whether the soil is waterlogged, smell it—if it’s damp and musty, then there’s a good chance it has been for a while.

After you check that the potting mix is waterlogged, take your plant out of the pot to replace it. If you wait for the roots to dry naturally, it could damage them more.

Be sure to remove any dead or decaying roots, as this will promote new growth. Spider plants are especially susceptible to root rot, so it’s important to be mindful of how much water you give your plant going forward.

Yellow Patches Can be Caused by Sunburn

There are two main causes of yellow leaves on Spider Plants: too much direct sunlight and sunburn. They thrive in bright but indirect light. If the leaves look scorched and patchy, it’s probably due to sunburn. Too much direct light can also bleached the plant, making it go quite light in colour.

Once your leaves have been damaged by the sun, there is no going back. Cut off any leaves that are worst affected and relocate to a shadier spot in your home. You need to be more careful in summer when the sun is stronger and out for extended periods of time.

Temperature Extremes Can Lead to Yellow Leaves on a Spider Plant

Your Spider Plant can also experience damage from extreme temperatures. If it’s in an area that gets hot or cold drafts, this can discolor the leaves. The plant may be too close to a window that gets direct sunlight or a radiator/heater vent which dries out the plant with hot air. To prevent this, ventilate the room and keep all plants at least 1 meter away from any heat source.

Did you know that frigid air can damage your beloved houseplants? Keep an eye out for any cold drafts coming from windows and doors near your plant, as this could cause the leaves to turn yellow. You might also want to invest in a digital thermometer to help monitor the temperature fluctuations throughout different seasons so you can keep your plants healthy year-round!

Yellow Patches Can be Caused by Sunburn

Overfertilisation Can Also Cause Some Yellowing

You don’t need to fertilize your Spider Plants often, or even at all!. Over-fertilizing your Spider Plant is the probable cause of its yellow leaves. We suggest only feeding it several times during spring and summer when growth is more active; there’s no need to fertilize at all during winter. Growth significantly slows down in colder, darker months.

If you want the problem to stop, remove any slow-release fertilizer spikes or just stop adding fertiliser to the water. You don’t have to fertilize your plant as it will grow quickly and produce plenty of baby plants without fertilizer.


The spider plant thrives in humid environments, similar to its natural habitat of semi-tropical Africa. Indoor plants should be kept in an environment with moderate to high humidity levels, typically 40% to 80%. If the atmosphere is too dry, the leaves may turn yellow or brown at the tips.

Many people don’t realize that humidity can be increased by creating different climates for plants indoors. For example, spider plants appreciate being sprayed with water occasionally. Another method is to place the plant on a tray of pebbles and water.

By placing a group of houseplants together, the humidity in the air will rise. If you have specific plants that need more care, you can place a humidifier near them to help maintain raised levels of humidity.

The Age of the Plant

Every plant will die eventually, and spider plants are no exception. Foliage may yellow and brown before falling off–this is natural and nothing to be concerned about.

Why Is My Spider Plant Turning Yellow

Yellowing or Brown Spider Plant Leaves FAQs:

How do you fix yellow leaves on a Spider Plant? 

To save your plant, start by trimming away the affected foliage. If the problem persists, check for fluoride, chlorine or salt build-up—which can all be cleared with distilled or rainwater. Finally, keep an eye on temperature, humidity and light levels to ensure you’re not overwatering or underwatering your plants.

Should I trim away the yellow leaves on my Spider Plant?

Although it may seem counterintuitive, occasionally you should remove the yellowing leaves from your spider plant. This action will help your plant to focus its energy on developing new growth, even if it makes the plant look smaller in the meantime.

Do yellow leaves mean my Spider Plant is dying?

This usually only suggests that your spider plants aren’t being watered as frequently as they should be. Spider plants are very sturdy, beginner friendly houseplants that normally recover quickly from yellow leaves!

Can yellow or brown Spider Plant leaves turn green again? 

Once leaves turn brown, they will not go back to being green again. Sometimes yellowed leaves can be saved/cured.

Does the type of water cause Spider Plant leaves to turn yellow or brown? 

Water with fluoride and chlorine can cause leaves to turn yellow or brown. To help, you can flush the soil and water with distilled or rainwater.

How often should I water my spider plant?

Water your spider plant when the soil is dry to the touch, usually about once every week or two. In warmer months, you may need to water more frequently; during cooler months, less often. Always check the moisture level before watering and avoid overwatering as this will cause root rot.

How much light does a spider plant need?

Spider plants prefer bright indirect light and can even tolerate some direct sunlight in the morning or late afternoon. If it’s in a darker area, be sure to rotate it so that all parts of the plant get some sun. Without enough light, the leaves will become pale and limp. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to turn yellow or brown.

What are common pests that attack Spider Plants?

Spider mites and mealybugs are two of the most common pests that attack spider plants. These pests suck sap from your plant’s leaves, leaving them mottled and discolored. To prevent these pests from taking hold, be sure to keep your plants clean and give it an occasional shower with a hose to remove any unwanted visitors. If you do find evidence of infestation, isolate the affected plant in a separate room away from other houseplants and treat with an insecticidal soap or neem oil solution. If left untreated, these pests can quickly spread and cause serious damage to your plants.

There are several explanations for why your Spider Plant’s leaves have turned yellow. The good news is that they’re quite hearty plants, so even if the problem has impacted a large portion of the plant, it will recover eventually. To promote new and healthy growth, trim away the most affected areas. With time and care, your plant should make a full recovery. For more tips on how to take care of your beloved Spider Plant, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide.

Mentari Aisyah

I'm a passionate gardener with over two decades of hands-on experience in nurturing plants, designing landscapes, and cultivating gardens. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need personalized advice. Happy gardening!

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